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What I Learned From My Study

Impact on Student Learning

During my action research, all 16 of my second grade students showed growth.  They gained confidence, built writing stamina, and carried over their growth mindset into other subjects. 


Throughout my action research my students gained confidence in themselves and a more positive mindset. Prior to starting my study, I had several students that would melt down and/or refuse to share the little writing they had. When these students did not produce what they thought was quality work, or felt something was too hard, they would show signs of frustration and embarrassment. By the end of my study, these students fearlessly stood up in front of the class to share. They became accustomed to saying things such as “I’m challenging my brain” or “I’m going to work really hard.” When classmates would occasionally say something in a fixed mindset, their peers would help correct what was said to make it more positive.


Writing Stamina

In addition to their increased confidence and positivity, my second graders' writing stamina also grew! They knew what to expect each day during our writers' workshop, and they knew very well that I believed in each and every one of them. Once they began to believe in themselves their time spent writing increased. Instead of breaking down, saying things like "I can't" or "It's too hard," they took on the challenge. 


Other Subjects

My action research also impacted student learning in other subject areas. My students’ scores in Social Studies and Math increased. During Social Studies and Math assessments, my students would approach problems where they had to write a paragraph answer or share their thinking; they no longer left it blank (as some had at the beginning of the year). You could tell students did not just skip over the question due to the intimidation of having to write an answer. Students spent more time answering questions than they did panicking or shutting down because they did not know the answer to something. 

Confidence & Positivity 

Impact On Current Teaching

My action research impacted my students, but also me and my teaching. This study helped me to recognize why using research-based strategies inside the classroom is so important! My students’ success happened because I researched and chose specific strategies. I used the research of Carol Dweck and many others to guide my instruction. Their replicable practices allowed me to bring new real-life strategies to my second-grade students. Secondly, my study helped me become a better teacher and a better analyst. I learned how to look at data with a critical eye. By analyzing data, compelling information became exposed. I learned to use my analysis to make decisions that became important to my instruction. 

Impact on Professional Growth

This study allowed me to grow as immensely as a professional. I was able to communicate and collaborate with other professionals each day. This is a skill I plan to continue to use in my teaching career. I discussed strategies and topics related to what I implemented with my grade level team, as well as other professionals in the building, such as my school guidance counselor. From all of the professionals I worked with, I gained different perspectives, ideas, and solutions to aid in my study.


Additionally, I grew as a professional by realizing the importance behind using research and data to drive the decisions I was making in the classroom. I learned that to provide the educational experience my students deserve, I need to have justified reasoning behind the things I am putting into place. Everything inside the classroom needs to be purposeful and intentional. 

What I Learned:

 I learned so much on my capstone journey. Not only did I grow professionally from my study, but I learned how much students can grow when incorporating action research inside a classroom.  Without collaboration, implementation of research strategies, or modification of instruction, my students would not have been successful in meeting their goals.


What Needs to Be Modified: 

In years to come, I look forward to conducting action research again inside my classroom as it proved to be beneficial to my students and me during this study. Going forward, there are a few modifications I would like to make. First, I would like to conduct research for a longer period of time. I felt as though these six weeks went by very quickly! If students had a little bit longer the growth might have been even higher! Similarly, I would also like to devise a plan for students who are absent. As it showed in my data, students that had regular absences did not make as much growth as those students who were there every day. To ensure that these students do not fall behind, I want to devise a plan in the future to help these students. Whether that be making sure to set aside daily check ins from the previous day, or finding a small chunk of time to set up a peer buddy, additional adult support, or one-on-one time with me.  

Impact on the Future

Action research positively impacted my professional growth this year and for the future. I have learned the importance of knowing each child as an individual learner. When I am aware of their specific needs , I can plan purposeful targeted instruction. This action research taught me how to track student needs, and how to monitor growth over a period of time. When interacting with colleagues in the future, I now have experience of going through this process to share with them and possibly help them develop their professional practice. 


My future teaching will have elements of action research woven throughout it because I have seen the growth in my students in their abilities to develop a growth mindset and use that mindset to better themselves as writers. 

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